Saturday, January 7, 2006


As I sit alone With the warm sun on my back I realise something’s missing A part of me which lacks.
Could it be the trees,Reaching for the sky?Or could it be the children,Walking home, who pass me by?
Perhaps, I miss the birds,Chirping sweetly above my head?All I feel is restlessness A part of me is dead.
I know now what it is.Now I realise what is wrong.It’s the feeling, they call solitude,All my friends are gone.
Of course I know,That as we grow,We have to make our way,We all must plot a different course,To go by everyday.
I always thought my friendships,Would be round,Just like the moon But you see,I am not ready,For it all to end so soon.
I miss their happy laughter,Floating on the wind.I miss the many secrets,That circulate within.
The only way to keep,Our friendships woven tight,Is to keep in contact always,And then we’ll be alright!


At Saturday, January 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

huda huda huda i want to tell you that i am here and that i will always be by your side my dear,as a friend and as a brother and also as a lover,dont worry i will never every leave you,take care sweety...
yours 4 ever


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