Tuesday, June 6, 2006

me & I

Me & I
Always Wonder Why
When He Talks Or Be There
Or His Eyes Glance Mine
His Hand Touches Mine
It Makes Me Feel Like I Want To Fly
But I Wonder
Is He Mine
Will He Be Mine ??


At Wednesday, June 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhh...i wonder how we can know if they r ours???????how? i wonder how? a question is my answer for u to answer? how ya hadoosheh how??:)))))))))))))))

At Wednesday, June 07, 2006, Blogger Sweet Scorpio said...

mmm i wonder that 2 but i know that one day we will know cuz we have to find out ;) and also i have to find out who are you anonymous ;) plz write ur name next time hehe

At Thursday, June 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe nice poem babe
keep it up

At Wednesday, June 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice poem dodo,only God knows if he will be yours.Wish you the best 7abebte. God bless you. soso.
Tuesday,21 June,2006.


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